Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Warm Fuzzies

For those of us who strongly apply introspect there are times in our lives when we all reach a level of Enlightenment where we understand why we are inclined towards certain idealisms. In Psyc Hist (I have decided as of now that all classes shall be referred to in abbreviations for the duration of the semester) the lecture was on Thomas Hobbes. For those of you who don’t know, I am writing a research paper on Hobbes’ Philosophy of the commonwealth. I have not yet read a great deal on his lifestyle and so when I learned in class that he was a secretary to Sir Francis Bacon, one of my earliest philosophical influences and that Hobbes was known for pushing the line on saying what makes people uncomfortable I got the “warm fuzzies”.
I made the highest grade for my three tests in my Biology class, which is a testament to how easy the test was since I spent more time studying the footnotes to my Psyc Research class than all the time I’ve spent studying for Bio. It is already Wednesday and there is still so much to do. I am still waiting for the “boredom” period everyone seems to talk about in college. My paper is going well, slowly but surely. I am going to spend some serious time on it during spring break.

Thoughts of the Day:

Did you know Thomas Hobbes was well respected by Martin Luther King Jr?

It is feels very strange to have energy but no strength.

By what tool should we measure our own success?

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