Monday, February 8, 2010

Best I Ever Had

Hope you guys enjoyed the weekend, because it is over now! The Saints deserved their win, even though I was rooting for the Colts, they may so many mistakes I felt like I was watching an elementary school choir sing Ave Maria. Even so, I am glad football season is over. I finished one of my Hobbes' analysis books and I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing but it is definitely becoming easier for me to read political philosophy. I managed to hurt my neck when trying to perform a backflip on Friday in the gym, nothing more than irritating soreness, but I learned a value lesson: Never try a trick until you have a good idea of the mechanics of it.
I woke up at 8:45 because my alarm didn't seem to wake me up, luckily have experience in getting ready in under 180 seconds and made it to class with only running half way, thank you track. Mondays seem to make even the most vibrant teachers lag a bit. I think we should just turn Mondays into a “Do over” day.
“Billy you failed that test!”
“That's okay Courtney, it was a do-over day.”
Let's not look at the economic, social, ethical or political ramifications and just all sigh in the beauty of the incomplete and slightly handicapped idea of “do-over” days.
I've decided I need to find some models for my portrait drawings, I've become decent at capturing the illusive ADD undergrad student in motion but I would really like to do a more complex rendering now. I am hoping that the girls I ask won't be too self-conscience, especially since I will hold back on telling them about some of my more “intriguing” pose ideas.

Thoughts of the Day:

Massage class should be mandatory for College graduation

It is a wise prince who uses a passionate man to lead the army, an intelligent man to advise the councilors, and a jester to lead the masses.

Chicken Little probably just had an advanced understanding of Astrophysics.


I am going to remove note posting on Facebook because I would like to know how many people actually read my posts, so if you want to keep reading just add me on Blogger or tab my page, it can be found under disambiguationinmoderation. Cheers!

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